In some companies it can be surprising how keen staff members from a variety of different levels and profiles can be to move overseas, as they can clearly see the personal and professional benefits of a short-term deployment or even a long-term one. However even within the same sector, other companies have trouble finding any staff members willing to move abroad. This reluctance is usually due to family commitments as well as a lack of knowledge about the importance of gaining hands-on international experience.
In today´s world if a company wants to do business internationally, it will almost always need to move some of its staff to different locations in one way or another. This is where the HR Department has a very important role to promote and develop an international assignment culture within the company. The aim is to make the personal and professional benefits of this type of assignment clear to all staff members: cross cultural proficiency, improving language skills, gaining new knowledge and expanding the professional networks among others. This will help to create an internal culture where mobility is seen as a win- win situation for both companies and their employees. In most cases, it becomes crucial to have a few real success stories from employees and to exploit these from the marketing perspective, with debriefings and a well-established career path upon completing the assignment.
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