Despite the economic crisis, today around 2 million job vacancies in the EU remain unfilled, according to the European Commission Bulletin. According to this publication, the distribution of job vacancies announced within the European Commission (EURES) area is uneven: 50 per cent of all vacancies posted were in the UK, with 30 per cent in Germany, 5 per cent in Belgium and 3 per cent in France, while Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden each posted around 2 per cent. The rest of the vacancies were distributed among the remaining EURES countries.

The top 5 sectors for job vacancies across Europe are: finance and sales professionals, housekeeping and restaurant services workers, personal care and related workers, electrical and electronic equipment mechanics and fitters and shop salespeople and demonstrators. UK data is not included in this list due to the large amount of positions posted by this country. If we count UK job vacancies, the top 5 sectors will include more managerial positions: other departmental managers; architects, engineers and related professionals; finance and sales associate professionals; food processing and related trade workers; and computing professionals. Finally, the top 5 sectors in Spain are as follows: pre-primary education teaching associate professionals, health professionals, client information clerks, other teaching associate professionals and finance and sales associate professionals.


In other words, if you can get by in the language of the host country, Europe is full of job opportunities waiting to be taken.

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