The audiovisual sector has undergone a global revolution in recent years, this sector is one of the axes of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda trying to increase the economic activity and promote the attraction of investment. One of the priorities is to simplify and reduce the administrative barriers related to the immigration procedures; it basically means to simplify the process to obtain authorizations for residence and work for staff members of the audiovisual productions companies.
The new regulation establishes three new entry pathways for foreign nationals who carry out an activity in the audiovisual sector:
- Stays of up to 90 days in a 180-day period. This pathway allows entry without a visa for eligible visa-exempt foreign nationals. A NIE number request will be needed in some cases once in Spain.
- Stays between 90 and 180 days. This pathway requires foreign nationals to obtain an entry visa for this sector. A NIE number request will be needed in some cases once in Spain. This pathway allows extending their stay (from Spain) up to 180 days by requesting it to the Large Unit.
- Stays over 180 days. This pathway will require professionals to obtain an entry visa and a residence visa as a single permit. The Spanish company will need to request the residence authorization for professionals from third countries who carry out an activity in the audiovisual sector under the umbrella of Law 14/2013, of 27 September. A visa phase will also be needed if the foreigner is outside of Spain.
Family members are allowed to stay in Spain as a dependent under the status of the main applicant.